Cosplay Search Engine

Cosplay Search Engine

Disko’s Cosplay Search Engine is an extension of our social network community and marketing platform that is aimed at creating an online community, and resource, for the cosplay community.

The Cosplay Search Engine is an extension of the  Stream Search Engine, the Game Devs Search Engine, the Disko Esports Directory, and more, and we highlight the talented cosplayers and brands within the industry.

From cosplayers to makeup artists, to costume designers and conventions/events, we aim to provide you a resource to find all things cosplay, and engage in our community of streamers and gamers.


Discover the Power of the Directory

Disko’s Cosplay Search Engine is a one-of-a-kind promotional and marketing outlet that provides direct access to the brands and artists who are making a name for themselves in the cosplay community. Stay up to date on all the latest news and updates, develop a connection with them within the Disko community, and collaborate with others within the cosplay community and industry.

  • Increased Exposure: The Disko Cosplayer Directory will put your brand front and center to an industry specific audience, and allow you to build your brand by leveraging the Disko community, and our SEO/internet marketing benefits
  • Internet Marketing & SEO: Disko’s foundation is built on elite-level internet marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and this foundation filters those benefits to the brands featured in our Directory. Disko is powered by an award internet marketing, search engine optimization, and social media marketing company, and our targeted, industry-focused, marketing trickles down to those featured in our directories.
  • Your Audience: Our community brings together streamers, gamers, esports, devs, brands, businesses, and cosplayers, creating a unique yet specific audience that is tied to a specific, or relative, industry. Disko aims to become the social network community and marketing platform.

Get Listed!

To be listed in our Cosplay Search Engine, please take the following steps:

  1. Create a profile on Disko
  2. Fill out our Directory Application Form (click here)

In order to be accepted into our search engine, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be an established Cosplayer/Brand
  • Must have a social media presence with your work uploaded
  • Must be willing to rate other Cosplayers, and be open to being rated by the community (Ratings can be submitted on each Listing page)
  • Agree that Disko can use the work you list in our Directory for our social media, and marketing our Cosplay Directory.

Disko is no cost to join. Applications typically take 3-4 weeks to process.